Distance covered: 137.38km
Total Distance : 236.72km
Time start: 5.15am
Time of arrival: 4.45pm
1) Breakfast RM$11.00
2) Lunch RM$5.00
3) Drink RM1.80
4) Hotel RM$45.00
5) Dinner RM$4.80
Total : RM$67.60
Over spend by RM$7.60

Yip!! That’s me. All ready to go at 5 am in the morning. My evening walk on the 1st day did help to get my sense of direction right. Getting started early in the morning without any traffic and with the help of the streetlight, I managed to get out town in just a short time. I did accidentally make a wrong turn and I landed on the opposite side of the road. Touring on bike is wonderful. You can just carry your bicycle over the divided and you are on your way again. Try that if you’re driving a vehicle?

My bicycle with my LED light on just before I cycled across the Pahang river.
My next target distance from here is Maran, just 54km away from my yesss!!! breakfast..yum..yum. Will be easy….. well that what I thought!!! First my bottom (my ass) was getting painful. The lining on my under pant was giving me lots of discomfort and cause a lots of pain due to the long hour of sitting on the saddles. Managed to solved that problem. Just wear the short pant without it. I stop and hide behind the bush to have it removed/ done. Thank god it was still quite dark. Yeap! without underwear. You will thank me for this advice.

Rest stop. The road was wet after a heavy early morning rain storm.
At 6am the heaven start signaling with flash and strong wind telling me, it’s going to spill the guts out. The sky open up at 6.30am and it start to rain really heavy. I was prepared for the rain but not this early. Yes! I was soaked to the bone and it was freezing. I had placed all my clothing in the garbage bag before placing it into my pannier so I have no worry of it getting wet. Lucky I took time to stop to place my wallet and camera into a plastic bag before putting in my waist porch. I didn’t stop for shelter even it was raining because today I have to cover quite a distance and I don’t want to reach Kuantan when the sun is down.
Not much traffic but occasionally you get heavy vehicle using this road to exit to the highway at Maran. So occasionally I will have water splashing over me when vehicle run over the puddle. The early ride was not that bad as most of it were flat or moderate hill.

Breakfast at Maran just 16km away. Hurray!!!
As I proceed toward Maran the rain beginning to subside, I notice a slow tortoise was making his way across the road. I took time to stop to give it some assistance. With such speed and heavy vehicle zooming pass; the odd of tortoise pancake on the road is 99 to 1. Anyway it great to appreciate such beauty that you don’t get to see so offend. The reward was much more than expected. As I turn around; right in front of me was this spectacular rainbow arch, painted across the sky.

Tortoise crossing. You want to race????

Spectacular rainbow arch, painted across the sky.
I always tell myself that I would never want to die without trying to see all God’s masterpieces on earth. Besides being the creator, God is also a master artist. Every beauty on earth like this one it a masterpiece by itself and every masterpiece is never the same. It sad to know how many of us take for granted and take no effort at all to protect the beautiful mother nature given to us for free to enjoy.

My first flat.
As I proceed toward Maran the rain beginning to subside, I notice a slow tortoise was making his way across the road. I took time to stop to give it some assistance. With such speed and heavy vehicle zooming pass; the odd of tortoise pancake on the road is 99 to 1. Anyway it great to appreciate such beauty that you don’t get to see so offend. The reward was much more than expected. As I turn around; right in front of me was this spectacular rainbow arch, painted across the sky.

Tortoise crossing. You want to race????

Spectacular rainbow arch, painted across the sky.
I always tell myself that I would never want to die without trying to see all God’s masterpieces on earth. Besides being the creator, God is also a master artist. Every beauty on earth like this one it a masterpiece by itself and every masterpiece is never the same. It sad to know how many of us take for granted and take no effort at all to protect the beautiful mother nature given to us for free to enjoy.

My first flat.
Just 10 km from my breakfast stop I felt I needed more effort to paddle just to make up my normal cruising speed. Maybe it way up hill! Not so and I realize my front tire was flat. In so many of my short tour, this is the first flat. Why don’t I just fill it up, ride to Maran, have a good breakfast and fix it after that. Maybe have someone fix for me. That will be nice!! Good plan but my front tire was not cooperative at all. Dame it! In just a short distance it went flat again. Of course I came prepared. It took me 20 minutes to have it fixed and off I adjourned my journey to Maran. I got only one spare tube so I better get another one in Maran.

Hit and run. Poor monkey hit by a speeding car while trying to graped a rambutan(fruit) on the road.
I passed a monkey laid on the road which has just been hit by a car. As I stopped, the poor fellow was rolling in pain and slowly inching itself towards the side of the road. As I approach nearer to have a look at the poor monkey, I could hear and see a group of monkeys nearby jumping and screaming. Obviously must be it family members trying desperately to warn him on my present. I felt helpless as I realize there’s little I can do. As I moved over to the front were it was facing to take a shoot, I could see the degree of it injury. Blood was on it mouth and a big cut on the top left hand shoulder. Fearing for it safety, the monkey stood up with all the remaining energy and slowing lip into the bushes to safety. Felt a bit better now as I could see it still a life and mobile.

Breakfast at last. Two roti canai, one nasi lemak and 100plus. My bicycle in front of me for safety.
After four and half hours, I finally I reached Maran at 9.30am; my breakfast destination. The eventful slow 54km really work up my appetite. Entering Maran was much more relaxing as I speed over 2 km downhill all the way. You can see the Highway going to Kuantan running parallel with Route 2. I was hoping to lose some weight by the end of this trip but at the rate I going/eating, well I’m not so sure now. Breakfast was heavy. Two roti canai (Indian bread with curry dip), Nasi lemak (Rice cooked in coconut milk, some chili sambal, egg and some fried peanuts) and 100 plus (Local isotonic drink). Total cost $7.20 and I felt generous that day to paid (RM$3.80-Roticanai with chicken curry) for a blind old “Pakcik” (Malaysian way of addressing an elder) which share the same table with me.
With a total refill and a good rest of 45 minutes, I was off searching for my spare tire. Lucky for me it didn’t take long before I manage to purchase two spares. Asking around do help. Small town like this usually everyone knows what they have in their town.
The ride to Gambang (my next stop) was nice. After an early thunder storm, the weather was much cooler and cloudy. The sun managed to slip through once in a while but the reminding journey to Kuantan was cooling and shady. Niceee!!!.

Hit and run. Poor monkey hit by a speeding car while trying to graped a rambutan(fruit) on the road.
I passed a monkey laid on the road which has just been hit by a car. As I stopped, the poor fellow was rolling in pain and slowly inching itself towards the side of the road. As I approach nearer to have a look at the poor monkey, I could hear and see a group of monkeys nearby jumping and screaming. Obviously must be it family members trying desperately to warn him on my present. I felt helpless as I realize there’s little I can do. As I moved over to the front were it was facing to take a shoot, I could see the degree of it injury. Blood was on it mouth and a big cut on the top left hand shoulder. Fearing for it safety, the monkey stood up with all the remaining energy and slowing lip into the bushes to safety. Felt a bit better now as I could see it still a life and mobile.

Breakfast at last. Two roti canai, one nasi lemak and 100plus. My bicycle in front of me for safety.
After four and half hours, I finally I reached Maran at 9.30am; my breakfast destination. The eventful slow 54km really work up my appetite. Entering Maran was much more relaxing as I speed over 2 km downhill all the way. You can see the Highway going to Kuantan running parallel with Route 2. I was hoping to lose some weight by the end of this trip but at the rate I going/eating, well I’m not so sure now. Breakfast was heavy. Two roti canai (Indian bread with curry dip), Nasi lemak (Rice cooked in coconut milk, some chili sambal, egg and some fried peanuts) and 100 plus (Local isotonic drink). Total cost $7.20 and I felt generous that day to paid (RM$3.80-Roticanai with chicken curry) for a blind old “Pakcik” (Malaysian way of addressing an elder) which share the same table with me.
With a total refill and a good rest of 45 minutes, I was off searching for my spare tire. Lucky for me it didn’t take long before I manage to purchase two spares. Asking around do help. Small town like this usually everyone knows what they have in their town.
The ride to Gambang (my next stop) was nice. After an early thunder storm, the weather was much cooler and cloudy. The sun managed to slip through once in a while but the reminding journey to Kuantan was cooling and shady. Niceee!!!.

Beautiful lake along the way.
Lots of green, beautiful lake along the way and good weather make a nice ride to Gambang which is another 54km away. Stopping occasionally to rest and take some nice shots did make the ride more relaxing and enjoyable. Lunch time was 2.30pm at Gambang. By now I had covered 107km. Lots of trucks stopped here for lunch before proceeding to Kuantan or to Pekan after exiting from the highway. Lunch was just a simple chicken rice and drink (RM5.00). The curious shop/restaurant owner and have a chat with me. He was rather surprise when I told him I was doing a solo tour to the east coast from Kuala Lumpur. Why solo he asked? Ya.. hah! why solo? Good question. I suppose I enjoy the flexibility and the freedom of cycling at my own pase. More over I can never catch-up with all the young Tour D’ Langkawi guys if they joint me or if I joint them. Why bicycle? Well on a bicycle speed you get to really see everything along the way whether you like it or not. More over you can feel the real satisfaction of travelling on your effort. Doing solo do have their set back. When you need to go to the toilet to do a biggy, you don’t feel safe even if you bike are locked up. Well I did find some consolation every time from the restaurant owner when I patronize their shop. The trick is to smile and be friendly. Start some small talk and their curiosity will take over and before long Wallah! you are friend. He will be happy to keep an eye on your bicycle during your brief absent. Malaysian are usually a friendly lots and happy to help out especially if you are a foreign traveler traveling in our country.

Two ‘Orang Asli’(Native) selling chopping board and Sampan (Wooden Boat) paddle made from local timber.

Beautiful Chinese Temple. I don’t think I will enjoy walking up. Do you?
Lots of green, beautiful lake along the way and good weather make a nice ride to Gambang which is another 54km away. Stopping occasionally to rest and take some nice shots did make the ride more relaxing and enjoyable. Lunch time was 2.30pm at Gambang. By now I had covered 107km. Lots of trucks stopped here for lunch before proceeding to Kuantan or to Pekan after exiting from the highway. Lunch was just a simple chicken rice and drink (RM5.00). The curious shop/restaurant owner and have a chat with me. He was rather surprise when I told him I was doing a solo tour to the east coast from Kuala Lumpur. Why solo he asked? Ya.. hah! why solo? Good question. I suppose I enjoy the flexibility and the freedom of cycling at my own pase. More over I can never catch-up with all the young Tour D’ Langkawi guys if they joint me or if I joint them. Why bicycle? Well on a bicycle speed you get to really see everything along the way whether you like it or not. More over you can feel the real satisfaction of travelling on your effort. Doing solo do have their set back. When you need to go to the toilet to do a biggy, you don’t feel safe even if you bike are locked up. Well I did find some consolation every time from the restaurant owner when I patronize their shop. The trick is to smile and be friendly. Start some small talk and their curiosity will take over and before long Wallah! you are friend. He will be happy to keep an eye on your bicycle during your brief absent. Malaysian are usually a friendly lots and happy to help out especially if you are a foreign traveler traveling in our country.

Two ‘Orang Asli’(Native) selling chopping board and Sampan (Wooden Boat) paddle made from local timber.

Beautiful Chinese Temple. I don’t think I will enjoy walking up. Do you?

Welcome arch just before you enter Kuantan.
Entering Kuantan is a long 10km straight flat road passing the airport on the left. Even though the traffic was heavy, the emergency lane at side was ideal and safe to cycle into town. Only after you crossed the bridge, traffic get a bit havoc. Finally reach Kuantan. Checking my speedometer indicated I had cover 137.38 km. It’s 4.45pm when I check in Sungai Wang Utama Hotel. Below are the rates for your reference should you decided to stay here. Telephone number : 609-513 4233. Owner handphone : Tan Lian Kui, 013-935-2233. Address : No 16, Jalan Penjara, Kuantan. Very clean and right in the center of town.
The RM$35 room was taken up. So I took the RM$45 room which I felt was reasonably cheap and is on the ground floor. Cheap for me but not for an Italian lady backpacker standing beside me. She have been traveling since October ’08 so every cents count. She went to another hotel looking for a better deal. I was too lazy and settle with the ground floor room which I thought was great deal. I don’t have to carry my bike up & it was just two rooms behind the reception counter. A very wrong choice which I regretted later. See these two ladies below. Remember their face. If you decide to stay here and this two are still there, please take the room up stair. You will thank me later. This two will yak and yak (talk) none stop for hours and hours. With a narrow walkway leading to my room; their voice echo will keep you awake, Guarantee. Forget about taking an evening nap or go to bed early. Even the late evening thunderstorm could not beat their voice.

Talkative receptionist. Remember their face!

Bike in my room. Airing my map and personal items. Getting ready for tomorrow.
The room are clean with attached bath room. Hot shower with air-condition and TV throw in. My only complaint (beside the talkative receptionist) was the pillow case. It smelt. Got to wash my hair the next morning to get the smelt off. Dinner is just a 3 or 4 shop lots away from the Hotel. Can order dishes and rice or just fried rice or noodles. I could have try their ‘Chili Lala’ (Clam fried with chili). I notice everyone was ordering it after I had ordered my fried noodle. Another setback if you are doing solo. If you have another partner, you can order more and share out the cost. A big shopping Mall is just a short walking distance away if you choose to do some shopping. I did take a short tour around town but didn’t enjoy it as it was still drizzling and the traffic was a bit heavy. I went back and was busy getting my map dry and laying out all my items for airing before I repack it into my pannier again. Tomorrow will be interesting ride. I will cycle along the coaster road which some of the most beautiful scenery along the way. It’s not that I have not passed this place before, but it has been a while now and I was driving a car then. Off to bed and hope for a shining morning. I miss my sun rise…… Good night for now.
Front view of Hotel Sungai Wang Utama. Highly recommended but from 1st floor onwards.
Cycling route on day 2.
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